

  Last Monday morning , after I finished combing , Mum was still asleep . SO I said “Got up” loudly. She opened her eyes and asked ,“What’s the time ?” “It’s 6:30. You must get up quickly !”


  After that , I had my breakfast . Twenty minutes later , she was still in her pajamas and hid in the washroom . So I shouted to her , “It’s nearly 7:00. I don’t want to be late !” She finally finished all the things and sent me to school at fantastic speed . Though I wasn’t late ,I thought I was selfish and I must say sorry to her .

每日一读:人们听到赞美时通常有三种不同的反应:第一种是陶醉于温馨的溢美之词,忘记了关节的疼痛和自疑的伤感。第二种是处之泰然,因为自己已有无数荣耀,后来的只是锦上添花。第三种是苛刻地自我反省,并有点难为情,明知别人是刻意掩饰我们的缺点并凸显我们的优点。我的反应难免是第三种,因为我很了解我自己,知道那些赞语是别人的过奖。——在伦敦接受荣誉市民荣衔时谈话 1982年7月15日

标签:初中生作文,初一作文 作者:风飘飘
